New Teacher Bio: Hannah Ayers

Samantha Wolff |

Douglas Washington |

This year, welcomed a new English 1 teacher, Hannah Ayers. She was asked some questions about herself, and here are some answers.

When Ayers was asked what made her want to come teach at, her reply was, “My demo lesson during my interview! The students were so smart and cool. I loved the community I saw between them and the community between the staff.” After spending some time in person, Ayers now also loves the community part of, whether it be students or staff.

 At the beginning of her classes, Ayers likes to ask the students fun questions, so here are some of her answers to fun questions. When Ayers was asked if she had any hidden talents, she replied, “I love fashion! If I wasn't a teacher, I'd love to be a stylist and work at a magazine. I'm also pretty good at games where you need a guesser (pictionary, charades, etc).” Also, Ayers stated that if she could have one superpower, it would be teleportation because, “I'd save so much time and money! And I could visit anyone I wanted.”

As an English teacher, Ayers provides many literary pieces to read throughout the year. As to her own reading habits, she says , “My favorite book.... that one is really hard! But I think the Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath is my favorite.” One of the last things that Ayers stated was that her biggest pet peeve is “When people don't wait their turn. I hate it! While driving and in lines, if people don't know how to take turns it makes me nuts.” 

Ayers also has two five month old kittens named Bronte and Poe.


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