Merry, Wary Holidays: Winter Break with COVID

Kaz Murray |

Nicolas Gibson |

With tests finished and homework graded, we stayed cozy in our homes and celebrated the long awaited break filled with magic — the holiday break.

Whether you traveled around to meet family, drove through the snowy mountains, or stayed here in the Bay Area to keep warm, the two week break was on everyone's minds. If all you did was channel surf this winter, you can still count the holidays being more eventful than 2020.

“It felt like nothing really happened as another day passed by in the year,” Cereal Chang, a freshman, said, and lots of people had similar opinions of their experiences from the beginning of the pandemic, saying how bland their supposed-to-be fun winter break was. Over 50% of people interviewed said that they weren’t able to see any family or friends last year, or even be able to travel as much as an hour away for fear of contracting covid with cases constantly on the rise. Sophomore Perry McHale agreed, saying “Covid-19 impacted [me] greatly on the fact that I couldn't really celebrate the holidays.” 

Even with 2020’s dreary winter, the latest holidays were ones to look forward to. “[I hope to] have fun, enjoy myself somewhere else, to get away from the norm.” Freshman Toby Sin explained before break began. Airports are open for travel, restaurants have gained a busy crowd, and shops were prepared for food and toys to be bought in bulk during the month of December.

Despite how far we’ve come, if you’re planning to travel safely in the future, viruses such as the omicron variant and cold weather illnesses are still a rising issue. So make sure to keep safe and maintain sanitary conditions, and we hope you had a great winter break. Happy 2022!


Maeghan Haywood - Student Culture Coordinator


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