Controversy Over New School Lunch Options

Katya Olshansky |

Photo By Cynthia Shi |

As we all know, there have been many new changes at; some are liked, some are not. One big switch that has sparked clashing opinions from the community is the new free school lunches that have been implemented into all schools across California. 

Before this year, had school lunches that most students paid for. However, the state of California has made school-provided lunches and breakfasts free at all schools starting in the 2022-2023 school year. There are mixed reviews of the lunches.

Photo By Cynthia Shi |

Sophomore Helena De la Corcova says that she is not the biggest fan of the lunches and one has even made her feel ill. She compared the current lunches to the paid lunches provided last year by saying, “The lunches last year weren’t great, but much better than this year.” She makes sure to include that she knows that having free lunches is a privilege, stating, “But I don’t want to complain because it is free food everyday.”. 

Seniors Enzo Baca, Evan Richardson, and Tobias Thalersma say that they feel that the lunches are “not as bad as others have been saying they are.” But Thalersma states “the lunches are not ideal for vegetarians because there are always the same two or sometimes three options, and it gets repetitive and tiring having the same thing everyday.”

Freshman David Ajoku counters the opinions of many students by saying that he enjoys the lunches. He does say he feels “pretty sick after eating them”, but actually likes the meat. He adds, “I think that if we could get food from the Oracle Cafe, that would be better.”,which is also a desire of many students in the student body.

Overall, the community at has fairly mixed reviews about the new free meals served everyday. Some students would rather have the lunches from previous years, and some do not see an issue with the ones being served now, either way it is undeniably a positive effort by the state to ensure that everyone gets free food, even if it needs improvements. 


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