d.tech Summer Plans
Samantha Wolff | swolff25@dtechhs.org
Art By Cynthia Shi | cshi23@dtechhs.org
The thrilling season of summer break is almost here, and the students at d.tech are excited. This school year has definitely been a whirlwind, with it being the first year back in person for most students, the WYN Time schedule changing halfway through the year, some students returning back to independent study for a few weeks, and so much more. d.tech students are ready for a change in scenery. Whether this means “going to Illinois to see family”, like Freshman Isabelle Anderson said, or, like Freshman Tigran Bagiryan, going all the way to Armenia, the d.tech community is taking advantage of this time off.
While traveling around the world is a high point in many students’ summer breaks, staying home and spending the ten weeks off of school on rest is also pretty nice. There's also plenty of students who use their time off to catch up on all the YouTube and video game updates they’ve missed. “I am looking forward to not having school work to worry about, as I have been involved in a lot of clubs recently,” says Senior Nicolas Gibson.
A great number of other students also said that they are looking forward to a break from all the stress, and school in general. On the other hand, some students are using this time to continue learning, by studying art in Michigan like Sophomore Andy Brown, or attending college classes to get ahead.
One final thing that a lot of students are looking forward to is hanging out with friends and family, some of whom they can only see in the summer, such as camp friends and family members that live far away. Freshman Cereal Chang says, “I might go to a cosplay convention with friends or just around the general Bay Area to hang out with friends.” All in all, the d.tech students are prepared for their time off and can’t wait to get going on their summer plans.