Curiosity projects at

Katya Olshansky |

Photo by Ty Gannon |

Have you ever had a random idea that you wish you could further pursue, but haven’t had the opportunity to do so? Curiosity projects are perfect for that. These projects can be almost anything that you are interested or passionate about. 

To give a few ideas of what you could do for a curiosity project, DRG Coordinator Brock says, “you could collaborate with a teacher on something the teacher is working on. You could join an existing project that other students have started. Visit the DRG to talk with DRG staff and discuss ideas.” The possibilities are endless. He encourages students to at least consider doing one because “it is a chance to learn by doing, have fun with friends, and discover new interests. It is a great way to improve your ability to be self directed and build community with peers and teachers.” 

Samantha Oey, a junior, is interested in pursuing a curiosity project. She says she is, “thinking about starting a small business with some friends.” She continues on to say that “curiosity projects are a great way to do something that interests you while still getting credit for it.” She wishes she started earlier. That aside, with the right planning she still thinks it’s definitely doable. She is hoping to begin this project soon and encourages others to do the same. 

These projects are a great opportunity to try something new or pursue something you’ve had in the back of your mind. There is a lot of freedom and creativity involved. highly recommends at least considering doing one for the fun, new, and creative experience.


The WYN Times, They Are a-Changin'


Maeghan Haywood - Student Culture Coordinator